Saturday, 21 April 2012

What's his game?

Who's side is he on?
Just writing about that plonker in Norway! Just look at the him! Massacred 77 unarmed people. What's his game then hey? 

He reckoned that he was protesting against Islam yet he killed a load of Christians?! What's that all about? He's the last one you'd want on your side!

There’s only one thing to do with his type! Round em all up, stick them on a small island and shoot the lot of em. That's the only language that sort understand.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Hose-Pipe Ban!

This is a well out of order! What am I supposed to do now? I need that hose-pipe like nobody's business.

And it ain't because of the drought neither! It's because of those idiots at the water companies! They couldn't fall off a bleeding log.

It's all very well them banning the use of hoses but tell me this; what am I now supposed to use to beat the crap out of my missus?If I had my way I'd drown the lot of em.