Sunday, 30 December 2012

Wikipedia's Top Ten for 2012

Silly Cahnts
By Des Kant

Oi! Just been reading about the most searched for articles on Wikipedia of 2012.

Number one was people looking for information on that load of shit called Facebook. I had a look at that site once and I reckon they should change the name to faecesbook.

Number two was people looking for information on Wikipedia? How does that work? People going to Wikipedia to look for information about Wikipedia?

I mean what is the point of going to a website to look up information about the website you are already looking at. I mean what is the fahcking point you looking at it ain't cha!

Then at number 3 was people looking for information about that group of little shits called One Direction. Apparently those little fachkers are trying to make it big in America coz they think they are the dogs bollocks! Well I wouldn't have said they were the dogs bollocks I would have said they were just bollocks.

I could shit better music than these tossers! Just a bunch of little squirts put together by bleeding Simon Cowell to make a load of money. Well I ain't avin any of it. If there is any direction that One Direction should be going then it's up their own fahcking arseholes!